Life isn’t just busy, it’s complicated. Marriage, money, parenting, personal growth – there’s so much to do, it’s almost overwhelming. If you need help knowing where to start, Start Here. Join us on Sundays at 5 p.m. for one of our four-week classes designed with you in mind.

Room 2230

God is calling all of us to move from wherever we are, to where He is calling us to be – and we want to help you get there. Whether you just started following Jesus or you’ve been following him for years, this class is designed to help you take your next step or a new step. Start Here spiritually.

Taught by Doug Adams

Room 2222

Your whole world changes when you say “I Do”. Selflessness, communication, fulfillment and disappointment – marriage can be challenging. Whether you’re planning to walk down the aisle or you’re preparing for an empty nest, this class is designed for couples who want to go a long way together for a long time together. Start Here relationally. Start Here in marriage.

Taught by David Powell

Room 2205

Raising kids isn’t easy, but it is rewarding. The process of your child’s physical, spiritual and emotional development is constantly changing. Whether your senior is about to walk across the stage or your nine-month old just started walking, we’ll address the challenges ahead and provide practical, biblical encouragement for the journey. Start Here in Parenting.

Taught by Greg Williams

APEX Assembly

If we’re honest, money matters and everyone is looking for a method that works. There’s no better feeling than having a plan to get you where you want to go. Whether you’re creating a clear path for the present or you’re needing to set some goals for the future, Start Here with money.

Taught by Chad Ward

Frequently asked questions


When are Start Here classes offered?

Start Here classes will be offered on Sunday nights at 5 p.m. The classes will start September 11 and end on October 2. 


How much does it cost?

 All Start Here classes are offered at no charge.


Will there be childcare?

Childcare will be provided on site for birth – 5th grade. Our KidHeights and KidHeights Worship teams are ready for new opportunities to pour into your kids!