Serving Is Our Privilege
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Wednesdays || 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Special Events
Shaping the way a city views church through visual storytelling and social engagement.
Capture authentic moments of worship, connections between people, and ministry events to represent our church’s story and mission visually.
Social Media
Capture and create engaging content for our social media platforms to connect with our community and share the impact of our ministry.
Wednesdays || 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Shaping the way kids and families view church through relationships and connection.
Large Group Leader (Birth-PreK)
Inspires preschoolers to understand basic Bible truths through an engaging large group environment.
Small Group Leader (Birth – PreK)
Inspires preschoolers to understand basic Bible truths through play, music, movement while ensuring care, and comfort for babies as Bible truths are spoken over them.
Small Group Leader (K-5th)
Connects relationally with a group of kids while pointing them to Jesus and strives to show each kid that they are known and loved.
Host Team
Creates a first impression of care and hospitality for families by greeting, checking in, and walking new families through our First-Time Guest process.
Encourages a set group of leaders through relationally connecting with them and being a resource for them during programming.
Enhances the large group experience for kids through sounds, lights, and videos.
Special Needs
Sundays || 9:15 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Wednesdays || 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Shaping the way kids with disabilities view the church through intentionality and connection.
Special Needs Buddy
Provide and care for kids with disabilities in a safe one to one environment that ensures no child goes unreached of the gospel.
Special Needs Coach
Coach and equip special needs buddies to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all kids with disabilities.
Sundays || 9:15 & 11:00 a.m. & The Walk
Wednesdays || 6:15 p.m.
Across all worship gatherings, we aim to hold Jesus up so that He might become the focus of our people. Regardless of your skill level, there’s a place for you to serve.
Our non-auditioned worship choir strengthens and supports the songs we sing each Sunday at 9:15 a.m.
NextGen Worship Leader
Several of our NextGen programs are led in worship by auditioned worship leaders. These vocalists serve to lead worship at age-appropriate levels for students ranging from 4th-12th grade.
Whether you played in the high school marching band or taught yourself guitar, auditions are always open for positions in our worship bands.
Sundays || 9:15 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. & The Walk
Shaping the way a city views church by helping create an engaging worship experience.
Broadcast Audio Engineer
Create an engaging and excellent at home experience by appropriately mixing the broadcast audio for those who can’t make it to service in person.
Camera Op
Helping the congregation engage with the leaders on stage by taking appropriate and creative camera shots.
Lighting Op
Firing pre-programed lighting cues in a timely manner to help create an engaging worship atmosphere.
Lyric Op
Leading the congregation in song by advancing lyrics in appropriately timed intervals.
Communicating to the production team what’s coming up next in service to help time cues and take appropriate camera shots. Firing content such as graphics, lower thirds, videos, and more.
Adjusts exposure and color to maintain image quality across all cameras.
Stage Transition
Help quickly transition elements on and off stage at the appropriate times during the service.
Midweek Middle School || 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Midweek High School || 6:30 – 7:45 p.m.
Shaping the way students view church through relationships and connection.
Host Team
The Host team welcomes students to our campus so that every student is seen, and we capture accurate information for first-time guests.
Food Team (High School)
Food team helps make Midweek more memorable through serving food and snacks for students to help them connect with one another.
Group Leader (High School)
Group leaders meet regularly with small groups to help them grow in their relationship with Jesus and each other. They invest in the lives of our students, facilitate conversations, and model what it looks like to follow Jesus.
Small Group Leader (Middle School)
Small Group Leaders intentionally invest in the lives of their students, facilitate focused and biblical conversations, and create environments for middle schoolers and their families to feel welcome and loved.
Production (Middle School)
Enhances the excellence of Midweek environments through sound and lighting elements.
Coach (Middle School)
A coach will oversee and encourage small group leaders by connecting with them relationally, offering regular guidance, and being a steady resource during programming.
Special Needs
Midweek Middle School || 6:15 – 7:30 p.m.
Midweek High School || 6:30 – 7:45 p.m.
Shaping the way students with disabilities view the church through intentionality and connection.
Special Needs Buddy
Provide and care for students with disabilities in a safe one to one environment that ensures no student goes unreached of the gospel.
Special Needs Coach
Coach and equip special needs buddies to ensure a safe and welcoming environment for all students with disabilities.
Host Team
Sundays || 9:15 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Shaping the way our city views church
Parking Lot Greeters
You help greet our guests with a smile and clear directions as you help them navigate our campus.
Golf Cart Drivers
Remove the stress of knowing where to go once you park. By picking up our guests, we shelter them from the hot sun, the rain, or chilly mornings and take them to the doors.
Door Greeters
Holding a door open means we want all guests here, and we are excited they chose to spend an hour with us.
Guest Services
Creates a first impression of care and hospitality for guests by greeting, checking in, and walking new guests through our First-Time Guest process.
We intentionally have coffee prepared for every guest who steps onto our campus. Our barista team ensures our guests feel welcome (and alert) for their Sunday experience with us!
Finding a seat can be stressful. We want to remove this barrier by having people ready inside the Worship Center who cannot wait to greet and guide guests to open seating for them.
Next Steps
Taking your next step can seem intimidating, so we’ve created spaces to ease the process for our people as we begin walking beside them in whatever their next step may be.